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Good morning everyone,I am trying to modify a bootloader that is already in production and working.My problem is that if I call the JumpToApplication() function right after peripheral initialization (as the production bootloader does), everything wor...
Hello everyone,I'm working on a project with the STM32F412VET6 and I'm having an issue with flash writing when USB Host is active.When USB Host is active and I attempt to write to flash, execution gets stuck at the FLASH_FlushCaches() function, speci...
Hello everyone, I'm a bit confused about using USB.I need to use the USB port both to create a CDC connection with a PC and to read/write data from USB flash drives.Initially, I wanted to create a project that could handle both HOST and DEVICE modes,...
Hi, I've been trying for a few days to communicate with a device by SMBus.The device is an Microchip USB2422 and for test I use board DISC1 with STM32F429 on i2c3 port.The problem is that when I try to communicate with it to oscilloscope I see only a...
Hi, I hope to don't be off topic.Usually I use Visual Studio Code and I tried to use it for develop and debug on STM32.Unfortunately I can't debug my firmware looking at the variables in real time.I can look them only when I reach a breakpoint.With S...
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