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LIS302DL returning 0xFF.

Posted on July 04, 2014 at 19:56I am using STM32F4 Discovery Kit .I have been trying to use the on board LIS302DL When i try to read the OUTx,  OUTy, OUTz, registers i get some data but when i read Status Register i get 0xFF,  Any Idea whats going o...

ERROR (expected ';', ',' or ') when I include a .h

Posted on July 04, 2014 at 12:15Hello,I know my problem is a little bit vague but I can't find a solution...I have this classic error when I compile:  [cc] C:\Users\Jean\Desktop\PYRAMID CODE\src\IOs\MIDI\midi_in.c:196:51: error: expected ';', ',' or...

Long delay using timer

Posted on July 04, 2014 at 09:46 Hello, I program a firmware for very simple logic controller and I have problem with using a timer as exact delay generator. I need to generate delay from 1 sec to 250 minutes (15 000 sec). In the code down is...

Check that the device is erased before programming

Posted on July 03, 2014 at 06:06I  program the chip with STVP_CmdLine.exe, and found strange thing: The log says that ''Erasing PROGRAM MEMORY succeeds'' and then failed with message ''Check that the device is erased before programming'', it seems t...

IAP USART Questions

Posted on July 02, 2014 at 08:24Hi everyone: I've been playing with ''STM32F4xx_AN3965_V1.0.0'' which is IAP over USART with my STM32F4Discovery board. I managed to port all the relevant code to work with this board and it's running quite fine. The ...

Troubleshooting SPI code

Posted on July 03, 2014 at 21:58 Hi, I am trying to generate the SPI signal using the STM32L152D-EVAL. Supposedly it should be very straight forward, but for some reasons the code just never pass the conditional statement: while (SPI_...

STM32 uClinux USB Controller driver

Posted on July 03, 2014 at 16:09Hi all,I’am trying to port an USB Host Controller Driver for uClinux on STM32.Here is my investigation so far :I’am using jserv uClinux distro generation (

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