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Forum Posts

Overrun errors with two USART interrupts

Posted on April 15, 2014 at 11:09Using two USARTs running at 115200 baud on a STM32F2, one to communicate with a radio module and one for serial from a PC. The clock speed is 120MHz.When receiving data from both USARTs simultaneously overrun errors ...

about baudrate of USART

Posted on April 15, 2014 at 17:24in the post you gave  that: 9600*25/8, i used it and run correct, but you can describe more about it, in the example of stm32f4 alway use 9600 or 115200.Thank you so muchLe van tuyen

levtuyen by Associate
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DS1307 and STM32 ?

Posted on April 15, 2014 at 12:15Guys Does anyone of you have experience using DS1307 with STM32 ? Any links / references ? Thank

Some Problems with triple Channel ADC -- STM32f4

Posted on April 11, 2014 at 14:46Hello Together,I have a problem with my ADC. I tried to search through the Forum but I couldn't find a similar problem.My plan is to read 6 different Analog Digital Channel on STM32F407 therefore I use ADC1, ADC2 and...

breibold by Associate II
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data transfer speeds

Posted on April 14, 2014 at 21:23Hi all, i'm dissapointed from transfer speeds on STM32F407 @ 168MHz core, i'm measuring roughly 10.7MHz using FSMC with the code: runTIM_stoptime();do{  hh=fsmc_read( 0 );}while( (ui32--) > 0 );stopTIM_stoptime();USA...

Cortex-A chips for Generating Pulses?

Posted on April 14, 2014 at 11:33I am now using a Cortext-M3 chip(STM32F) to control Stepping Motor in an industrial equipment (Only generating pulses and direction signal to send to a stepper driver). Its maximum frequency is 72MHz so I can't add m...

SWD Interface for STM32F051 and / or STM32F030

Posted on April 15, 2014 at 01:51I have a STM32F030 design which I migrated from a STM32F051 design.  When I read documentation on the programming interface, it specifies SWDCLK, SWDDIO, and NRST.  I noticed however that the Discovery board has anot...

mvonahnen by Associate III
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