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Forum Posts

configuring watchdog for freertos

Posted on July 07, 2014 at 14:52how to configure watchdog timer for the freertos in stm32l152cb MCU, the freertos has 3 tasks running. when to update the WWDG counter, in the st example wwdg counter is updated in a while loop every 50ms . but how to...

Bootloader using USART 2 on STM32L152VB

Posted on July 03, 2014 at 17:56I am attempting to communicate to the bootloader through RS232 on USART 2 on the STM32L152VB.  I have Boot 0 pulled up and I believe I am in the bootloader because the application code is clearly not running.  I am us...

STM32F4 Discovery SPI problem

Posted on July 07, 2014 at 12:48Hi, I've successfully implement SPI communication between STM32F4 Discovery (as master) and PIC18F2580 (as slave). Everything works fine, clock signal is sent from STM32F4, MOSI and MISO data are correct. However, whe...

flukeco by Associate II
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Flash Latency and PWM Mode Bug

Posted on June 25, 2014 at 10:20Hi everybody, I recently tried to port my STM32F4Disco poject to the new CubeMX firmware 1.2. The first issue I encountered was that the program did not pass the SystemClock_Config function. While debugging and compar...

STM32F407 PWM issues

Posted on July 04, 2014 at 17:29 Hi all, I'm trying to use a PWM on a Olimex STM32-H407 board to drive the green LED (only user LED on the board), but without any success. I managed to use timers for generating output signal to turn on/of...

marko2 by Associate II
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synchronous mode of usart

Posted on June 28, 2014 at 11:52hello I want to use synchronous mode Usart. but i dont know how to set clock pin to for example 10 MHZ. please help me. thanks #stm32 #synchronous #usart

Usb port detection problem for STM32F407

Posted on July 07, 2014 at 08:25Hi every one,presently i am working on STM32F407 USB, in my project i am configured STM as a host and MSC class as a device, but when i am connecting the pen drive (MSC class device), all interrupts are raised except ...

chandu1 by Associate II
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Issue with USB library on discovery f4 board

Posted on July 06, 2014 at 00:11 Hi guys, i`ve spent several hours trying to figure whats wrong in my initialization routine, but no luck at all... Here is my code #include ''system_stm32f4xx.c'' #include ''stm32f4xx.h'' #include ''us...

Bogdan by Senior
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STM32L1 ADC Overrun with DMA

Posted on July 02, 2014 at 17:31Hello there, I've been having trouble with the STM32L1 ADC when using it with the DMA with high sample rates. Generally speaking, if I trigger the ADC conversion externally using a timer, I can achieve a sampling rate...

STM32L100R8T6 free ide

Posted on May 22, 2014 at 08:43Hi all, Can anyone suggest of free IDE for the STM32L100R8T6? I tried CooCox but it doesn't support STM32L100R8T6. Thanks.

eran2 by Associate II
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