2014-05-29 1:26 PM
stm32f4 general performance
#worst-forum-software-ever2014-05-29 2:03 PM
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2014-05-30 12:14 AM
Thank you clive ;
we need to collect dat from ads1298 at 8kHz sampling rate for 8 channels . we need to use low pass filter fir of 400 taps ; nortch filter of 50 taps and high pass filter of 2 tabs so for all channels we need about 12500 operation of ( multiplication and adds ) to be performed in 125u seconds , is stm32f407 capable of this ? or how can I calculate it ? Thank you in advanced Assaad2014-05-30 1:00 AM
The answer is clearly ''No''.
As there can't be more than one operation per clock cycle (no NEON) you need to have a clock period of 12E-6 / 12500 - or less than 1ns. This doesn't take into account load/store operations, so in reality the figure is much worse. I guess you should look for much stronger CPU, or FPGA.2014-05-30 1:23 AM
2014-05-30 4:51 AM
2014-05-30 6:31 AM
P.S. It is a full mess with this forum. My first response appeared before your question :-).
Edited responses will change the time stamp and ordering of the posts, this Microsoft forum has got to be one of the most retarded solutions out there.