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Is IS25LP064D supported to work on STM32U5 series.

Hi, im trying to work on external Flash with filex and levelx, and the external flash chip is "IS25LP064D ". i was trying to configure the OSPI, in the memory type other than micron, macronix, AP memory and Macronix RAM. I'm not able to see any other...

meghasb by Senior
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测试故障如下:1. 故障现象:不上数据,不能进入网页; 测试步骤:1.拆回设备2.通过网络连接网络拾音器网络1,能ping通,进入不了网页。连接网络拾音器网络2.能ping通,能进入网页,设置完IP准备连接服务器,发现网页有连接不上了4.通过串口看,发现程序没有跑起来。通过反复上电,发现程序每次跑的结果不一样,有时一上电就死机,有怀时能跑几士秒5.好、坏板子互换芯片(stm32),坏板子更换序号为0x42-0x00-0x35-0x01-0x57-0x46的芯片,工作24小时一直正常。好板子更换0...

STM32F407ZGT6 chip marking problem

我们这次购买的芯片上没有ARM标记,右上角的版本号改成了二维码的形式。 请咨询我们的供应商,不同的产地/包装厂/批次会有所不同。但是我们的质量部门不会库存它们。 标记的变化比较大。此标记更改是否有相应的文件? Translation: There is no ARM mark on the chip we purchased this time, and the version number in the upper right corner has been changed to a QR ...

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Resolved! SWD program/debug on custom board

Hello everyoneI'll receive soon a custom board based on an STM32 microcontroller (still not sure about the specific part number) and I'll have to flash FW updates on it. A few questions about it:1) There's a 4 pin header connector on the board (VCC, ...

STM32F4 bricks sometimes

I’m trying to create a CMake build for an STM32F4. Everytime I flash the CMake build the device gets bricked. When I do a full chip erase and flash again with a working binary, it still doesn’t work. Note that this second binary was working before bu...

BladeR by Associate
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Resolved! STM32H7 HAL usart with and without interrupt

Using an STM32H723 I started with a non interrupt USART connection onto a wifi module.I set up the connection on UART3 implementing nothing more than that and using these instructions  int len = sprintf(tx_buff,"AT+GMR\r\n");HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3...

MDeac.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Do all FPU operations proceed in a single SYSCLK tick?

This should be simple, but I can't find documentation.   I am running an STM32L4P5 at max clock speed (120 MHz), and I have moved all code to SRAM so it is running with zero wait states.    I have an extensive calculation to do using the FPU -- I am ...

JCase.1 by Associate III
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I am having issues with BDMA on consecutive transfers, the DMA handle is always in the busy state on the second call. I call this from my application and first transfer works as expected, goes into ISR void HAL_I2C_MemRxCpltCallback(I2C_HandleTypeDef...

kip18 by Associate II
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