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Forum Posts

Multiplexing SRAM,NOR Flash and NAND Flash ?

Posted on April 26, 2014 at 01:36Guys, How can I multiplex SRAM,NOR Flash and NAND Flash on PD7 ? It's function as PD7 FSMC_NE1/FSMC_NCE2 on pin 88 for STM32F103VCT6, is it configurable via software or I need to put a latch / multiplex chip for it ?...

STM32 truncated documentation

Posted on April 28, 2014 at 08:19Hello there,I was looking for the STM32F103RB datasheet but all i found is some 105 pages truncated document with only overview of the device. I was looking for something more like 1005 pages. I looked deeper into th...

STM32f407 external pulse counter channel selection

Posted on August 21, 2013 at 12:06 Hi guys, I am having a big problem; I would like to count external pulses with 2 timers; TIM 2 and TIM5. The problem is, that I need to connect my two timers to the 2 I/O pins that are free. So th...

anze by Associate
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TIM_OCMode_Toggle PWM Duty Controll

Posted on October 05, 2013 at 08:36I'm an absolutely beginner in microcontrollers. I want to create a PWM signal wave signal  to drive main power switch at 100Khz TIM1CH1&TIM1CH1N of   STM32F103VC. I change duty (CCR1_Val) but the duty stay same at...

stm3223 by Associate II
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Scary java crash in CubeMX

Posted on April 23, 2014 at 14:39When you enable any part in the ADC (F401RET 64pin mcu) you get a java-crash:Apr 23, 2014 2:03:11 PM checkConditionSEVERE: nullcom.bestcode.mathparser.ParserException: ExpNtVld ...

belhage by Associate
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