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Posted on July 17, 2015 at 00:46Hi All,I have created a project that hooks USB-HS MSC via the SDIO interface on the STM3240G devkit, I have used just the standard (unmodified) libraries. I am using cubemx v4.9.0 and F4 libraries v1.7.0The transfer r...
Posted on December 07, 2014 at 02:55HiDoes anyone know if the 030 can perform simple touch sense using the ADC?Similar possibly to how it can be done using a PIC uC:
Posted on December 06, 2014 at 02:19Hi AllBug?When building STM32F0308 Keil project with Cube 4.5 for , the ''flash programming algorithm'' assignment is lost each time and has to be re-assigned. This doesn't happen with F405 as I am using this part...
Posted on November 21, 2014 at 06:04Hi AllI am using the freeRTOS WIN32 simulator to code most of my OS-dependent functions, but the target is STM32F4 (it is a lot easier debugging early code using VS)I am using CMSIS for the STM , but I must use th...
Posted on September 23, 2014 at 01:55Hi AllCube 4.3.1/Keil/F4:When generating a cube project that includes a USB(HS) mass storage driver, if the file ''USBD_Storage_if.c'' already exists in your project AND has been modified within *USER CODE BEGIN*...