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Forum Posts

I cant get continuous Data from Sensors with I2C

The MCU I use is stm32f103c8t6 and the sensor is mpu-9255 on the board, there are 5 sensors and I show these sensor values on the LCD screen. I connected a button and when I press the button it moves to the next sensor. The problem is that I want to ...

Broos by Associate II
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How to compile arm_math.h source in STM32CubeIDE?

Hello All,     I am trying to include arm_math.h for STM32F401RE project, I have all the source file of math.h However when I try to build it. I am getting multiple defination  error at linking stage.Can anyone suggest me how to solve this? I am not ...

NNada.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32 Ethernet/IP

Does anyone have experience with Etherner/IP on STM32? (STM MCU or MPU are just fine)We are looking for Ethernet/IP example on STM32 but seems not found any thing yet.All we found are just : I-NUCLEO-NETX - netSHIELD industrial ethernet protocols exp...

Dat Tran by Senior II
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How to unlock RDP level 1 on a STM32U0k8

Hi,I am working on a project using an STM32U031K8U6.I have been experimenting with various low power modes and somehow, It appears that I have accidentally set RDP level 1 protection.I have been using STM32CubeIDE to create and build code and then I ...

JFP by Associate II
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Resolved! STMG474RE USB FS implementation

Hi together,i´m trying to set up a communication via usb using the usb cdc class to communicate with additional software via a virtual com port running on a local pc using the Nucleo G474RE board.However i can't find a sufficient documentation what i...

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j_ic by Associate
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STM32 GDB Automated debugging over STLINK

Hi,My goal is automate some integration testing, to do this i need to use the GDB over STLINK to debug the sw under testing then watch some variables. I need to do it in a script format(command line).are there any documents, tutorials or something el...

Resolved! STM32F767 SDMMC DMA read missing first 16 bytes

My ongoing difficulties running FATFS on an SD card has uncovered a problem! A read of the boot sector does not read all the data correctly, specifically the first 16 bytes are all zero. This means that FATFS reports there is no filesystem. The code ...

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Hello everyone,I'm coming back to you regarding a synchronization problem between master and slave in I2C.I'm making an I2C/UART debug interface, what I want to do is display a menu in a terminal-> When we receive an address from the master (sent in ...

Gojo by Associate II
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