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stm32f4 encoder interface mode

Posted on August 09, 2014 at 06:51Hi there! I'm using my stm32f4 timer 5 in encoder interface mode. In reference manual it is written for CCxNP/CCxP pins that they should not written 11 (i.e. polarity of trigger on both edges) in encoder interface m...


Posted on August 08, 2014 at 07:49Hello,        I am generating a sine wave by DDS method, but I dont know why the signal is flattering at the bottom.       Does anyone have any idea why is this happening. Thanks #stm32 #dac


ADC Resolution

Posted on August 08, 2014 at 17:29ADC resolution 12 bits(with 16 bit buffer) works but 8 bit(with 8bit buffer) results in the code going into an infinite loop in the DMA ISR. __IO uint8_t buffer[1000];/* ADC Config*/  ADC_StructInit(&ADC_InitStructu...

s7v7n92 by Associate II
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GPIO example from STM32F2 Cube question

Posted on August 08, 2014 at 19:27Hi:I am using a STM3221G-EVAL board from ST. Attached is the IAR project I downloaded from the STM32CubeF2 folder that examples the GPIO.The example uses 2 Pushbuttons, KEY and WAKEUP to turn ON 2 LEDs on the board....

eduardo2 by Associate II
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SDADC Limitations Explained

Posted on August 08, 2014 at 15:07After reading through the promotional material, datasheet and reference manual for the STM32F3's SDADC and spending a few days trying to obtain a 16KHz sampling rate, I believe some clarification of the limitations ...

kevin2399 by Associate III
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large SDRAM access causing hardfault in stm32f429

Posted on August 06, 2014 at 11:49Hello there!I've interfaced 128 MB(16 bit data bus) sdram through fmc interface in my stm32f429 device. Initialization and everything seems ok. Reading/writing to sdram is ok for small chunks. But writing 12 MB or l...

Non volatile memory on 32F429I discovery board

Posted on August 05, 2014 at 15:54I have a 32F429I discovery board and I have some parameters, e.g. touch screen calibration information, that I would like to store in a non volatile memory. As far as I understand it I have the options of:1 - storin...

mats23 by Associate II
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