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Resolved! Timer 1 Retriggerable One-Pulse Mode

Hi, I want to do something extremely basic. Trigger a pulse using software for Timer 1 which is configured in Retriggerable One-Pulse Mode. Background: I can do the above if the Timer 1 is in normal One-Pulse mode. By simply Writing the CEN bit in TI...

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STM32F103C8T6 Firmware for Bootloader

Greetings to the community,I have a problem with creating a firmware for the bootloader. I'll start a little differently:Some time ago I made a bootloader for STM32F407VET6. The only thing I did was change the memory length in the STM32F407VETX_FLASH...

Chlaban by Associate
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USB connection problems with STM32F7

Hello,In one of our products we've moved from a PIC32 to a STM32F7. The product is self powered and has a USB connection (USB-Device Full-Speed, HID). Everything works as expected normally. Sometimes however, when I plug in the USB cable, I get an er...

os81 by Associate III
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Resolved! STLINK-v3 + CANbus transceiver wiring?

This is my setup, STLINKV3+CubeProgrammer (trough CAN) accesing Systembootloader of stm32f405RGIt doesnt work.Ive tried no Canbus transceiver , digital connection with the onboard diodes from STLINK expansion (blue pcb) and everything works fine. May...

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Javier1 by Principal
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STM32F407ZET6 Could not verify ST Device

Hi All, I have a setup where I bought a STM32F407ZET6 dev board from AliExpress and have been using for almost 6 years using STM32Cube IDE. It was only until i updated my IDE from 1.6 to 1.14 when it started saying that "Could not verify ST Device! P...

Neolithic by Associate III
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Resolved! Help installing Patch for STM32CubeF0

Hello, I new to STM32Cube IDE and am starting out with the STM32F031C6T7 device. My development computer at work does not have an internet connect so I must download any required software and manually install it. How do I manually install the followi...

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JLIND.1 by Associate III
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stm32F10x MSC with SPI Flash (W25Q256) problem

Hello,I am trying make a USB device MSC.It works fine with SD card, but I want both SD card and flash.( I set max_lun to 1.)I have wrote the SPI_Flash_Write and  SPI_Flash_Read that can be called by MAL_Write and MAL_Read.It seems work fine cause I c...

thonsha by Associate
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sdio not working

Hello, i have an stm32h723zgt6 project and sd is not working, i tried modifying my code to write to the card and it doesn't work/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */ /** ****************************************************************************** * @fil...