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ARM GNU Eclipse plugin and SPL

Posted on January 28, 2015 at 14:26Hello there, I am using eclipse and arm gnu eclipse plugin. It comes with HAL instead of SPL. Most of the available examples out there are SPL and I need to rely on that as I am a begginer in STM32 world. So i trie...

DMA tranfer from GPIO IDR to RAM

Posted on January 27, 2015 at 14:10I'm new to STM32 board. Working with F103C8, currently I could use TIM2 (24M) as trigger source to start DMA1 to transfer data from GPIOB->IDR(15:0) to RAM. However I found the speed is no more than 8MHz during the...

leonlawww by Associate II
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STM32F429 Timer1 Capture/Compare with IRQ

Posted on January 28, 2015 at 13:02Hello, I use the Timer1 in capture compare mode. I want the following function: 1. Timer1 starts to count from 0 2. Timer1 counter register is the same, like in compare register     => IRQ_CC 3. Timer1 counter regi...

der-kyle by Associate II
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Posted on January 28, 2015 at 13:58Hi Is there a micro from ST with marking PEGM2701? Regards Hossam Alzomor

hossam by Associate II
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Measuring the input signal frequncy with stm32f4

Posted on January 27, 2015 at 18:27Hello everyone, I am new to STM32f4 board. I would like to measure speed of a dc motor(in terms of input signal frequency which varies from 0 Hz to 50KHz). Actually I have only one signal (so I think I can't use en...

naren by Associate II
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HAL documentation: .CHM files?

Posted on January 24, 2015 at 06:52The older ''Standard Peripheral Library'' came with a really wonderful .CHM file that cross-indexed all the documentation and source code. Is that available for the new ST Cube libraries (and the HAL in particular)...

westfw by Associate II
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USART HalfDuplex (Rx/Tx) and Rx Funktion

Posted on January 27, 2015 at 16:05Hello, is it possible to use one USART in HalfDuplexMode (Rx and Tx via Tx Pin) AND the Rx Pin of the same USART to receive another stream? regards Florian

f2 by Associate II
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UART problem with STM32 discovery kit (MB913C)

Posted on January 28, 2015 at 05:53Hello, I'm in the midst of project development using STM32F100RBx discovery kit (MB913C) and generating code by using STM32CubeMX and configure USART1 as asynchronous. I use Keil Arm-MDK and trying use ''HAL_UART_T...

lcd segment & i2c stm32l053

Posted on January 28, 2015 at 02:07I created a project by STM32cubeMX, the project has : I2C communication with sensor, display data by LCD segment:int main(void){  MX_GPIO_Init();  MX_I2C1_Init();    MX_LCD_Init();..........But, when have  MX_LCD_I...