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STM32Cube Creates Invalid I2S Configuration

Posted on April 22, 2015 at 11:24STM32Cube fails to calculate the correct register values for I2S3. The clock system provides 96MHz as I2C clock and the selected sample frequency is 8kHz and 16 bit data format. Therefore the I2S3 settings should be ...

niels by Associate II
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SPI Slave setup?

Posted on April 22, 2015 at 04:41 I'm trying to setup a STM32F429 as a SPI slave. I have another device transmitting SPI data as a master, and it looks good on the scope + logic analyzer. The STM32F4 never seems to raise the RXNE flag. Any thoug...

borisw37 by Associate
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SDIO - 32F411 - Hw or Sw problem?

Posted on April 21, 2015 at 00:57Hi, I made a custom board to atach to a nucleo 411 board with a uSD shocket. I'm trying to get FatFs on it. I'v test almost every code on the web. I use System Workbench and Cube/stdperiph_lib. I would like a simple ...

STM32F3Discovery not connecting via USB

Posted on April 20, 2015 at 18:15Hi,today I tried to connect my stm32f3disco to my pc as usual, but for some reason it doesn't work. The COM led starts blinkin red and nothing happens. The message ''no st-link detected'' pops up either in keil or ST...

adriano by Associate II
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Receiving CANbus data

Posted on April 22, 2015 at 01:27SO I am incredibly confused.  I have an application that uses CANbus.  I have the transmit running fine and I am to the point where I am receiving interrupts when I receive a message.  so I am confused by the lack of...

solsson by Associate
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