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The Quick Start Guide for this board implies it is compatible only with the following Nucleo boards:NUCLEO-F030R8NUCLEO-F103RBNUCLEO-F302R8NUCLEO-F401REDoes anyone know if it will work with any of the Nucleo F7 or H7 boards?
I've implemented an FOC motor control algorithm from scratch (e.g. not using any libraries) and it works well. I'm generating sine waves to drive the MOSFETs via a lookup table.All this works and the motor turns in an anti-clockwise direction. How do...
Anyone know the transfer function of the current sense path (shunt resisters->opamp->ADC) on the X-NUCLEO-IHM07M1? It's not worked out in the user manual and if someone has it it would save me some time.Thanks!
On the STM32F401RE, I'm trying to get a compare match on CC4 on TIM1 to trigger an ADC conversion in injected mode, but the ADC is never seeing the trigger.How do I set TIM1 to generate the TIM1_CH4 trigger on a compare match on CC4?TIM1->CR2 has an ...
I'm controlling a BLDC motor with an STM32F401 and am using TIM1 to generate the PWM waveforms to drive the motor and TIM2 in encoder mode to read the Hall encoder inputs from the motor.This setup is driving the motor well, but I'm setting a lot of v...
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