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Resolved! Simple Ranging Error

Hi I'm new to the STM32 series, I have a NUCLEO-F401RE and the X-NUCLEO-53L8A1. I am trying to edit the code from the X-CUBE-TOF1 SW package but run into the error below when compiling. Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?  Log output file: C:\Use...

Buntice by Associate II
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Manual Keyboard Detection

hi,USB keyboard working fine via HID and i need have small Manual Keyboard Detection  by pressing button . it's not compiling  if( HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOC, button_Pin)) { if(USBH_HID_GetDeviceType(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost) == HID_KEYBOARD)...

MMARI.1 by Senior
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stm32f103 timer input capture

Hi,I am trying to read some square signal with timer input capture for both falling and rising edge times. When i start the code, the interrupt routine works once, even if there is no signal. I am using the code below for setup timer and interrupt ro...

er3481 by Senior
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Resolved! How to Configure multiple FD CAN RX_BUFFER ?

Hello,I configured my FD CAN on NUCLEO STM32H53 with the function as below. I want to have two RX Buffers to receive 2 specific CAN IDs. However, when I checked RX_BUFFER0 with if (HAL_FDCAN_IsRxBufferMessageAvailable(&hfdcan1, FDCAN_RX_BUFFER0) > 0...

ANguy.5 by Associate II
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First test with "Blinking Led", but error message

Hello to everyoneI have connected a NUCLEO F446RE board, and I was following the tutorial "Step 2, Blinking LED" In the end, after launching the Debug, I receive the following error message.What does it mean? How can I solve?Tanks to anyone who will ...

FabioCC by Associate II
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