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I'm trying to send a fixed length packet in SPI slave mode from the STM32 via DMA. The SPI master may send/recv longer than that fixed length packet. It would be nice if the STM32 just sends 0 one the transactions is complete, but it seems to want to...
I'm interested in trying to synchronize my system to USB start of frame packets. I'm using the CRS system to generate an HSI48 clock. I've considered running that HSI48 clock into MCO and using that as an external clock for a timer. This would enable...
I'm configuring i2c with dma using the registers directly. I'm sure I have an error somewhere but I don't have a great idea on where to go next with debugging. Sometimes my i2c transfer goes through expediently, but sometimes it has a long stall afte...
I have an STM32G474, but this encoder/timer behavior is likely similar for other MCUs. I have the timer set up in quadrature encoder mode on channels 1 and 2 and I'm using input capture on channel 3. This is tied to the encoder index so that it will ...
The datasheet values for RAIN max are somewhat onerous, as I would need to buffer pretty much all my ADC inputs to support decently fast sampling. But they don't seem to fit with the equation suggested by the design guides. Is there something about t...
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