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Resolved! STM32F303VET - issue in transmitting CAN messages

I am having an issue in transmitting CAN messages, my situation is the following:There is an interrupt function for RX messages from CAN1, when a message is received, it sets a flag. The baud rate of the RX message is 10ms and they are being sent ove...

GComes by Associate II
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Not getting proper response from CR95HF

I am trying to read NFC tags using the NFC03A1 NFC Module and the NUCLEO F439ZI, but I am not able to establish the connection.After sending the ECHO Command (0x00 0x55) and then sending the POLL control byte (0x03), when I read the response using HA...

STOP Mode - USB HID Wakeup

hi all and  @waclawek.jan @Lubos KOUDELKA USB - HID -Keyboard is working fine and keycode coming properly . Enter to STOP mode is successful by HAL_SuspendTick(); HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_LOWPOWERREGULATOR_ON, PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI);Trying to wakeup fro...

MMARI.1 by Senior
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Problems with Comparator/DAC on STM32G473

Hi,I've been struggling with using the STM32G473's internal comparator and DAC for a few days now.ComparatorI use the internal COMP1. For the negative Input I selected the DAC3-CH1 and for the positive input I selected the Pin PA1. PA1 is configured ...

Moritz1 by Associate III
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STM32G473 BFB2 Not Working

BFB2 Set, but never enter Bank2 program.Boot0 = 0Boot1 = 1I can run the 2 programs from cubeide in there respective locations and ISR work when BFB2 is set for the BANK I am debugging in. However I never enter BANK2 program on resetting/powercycling ...

kip18 by Associate II
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stm32 code to control brightness of 2 lamps using 2 triacs

Merhaba 2 triyak kesinti ile araç kullanmak istiyorum bunun için ne yapmalıyım? 50hz 220v şebeke elektriğini kullanıyorum. 0 noktasını tespit ettikten sonra belli bir süre bekleyip ardından triyak'a darbe veriyorum. İkinci darbe değerini verdiğimde s...

YBAYR.1 by Associate III
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Jum to Bootloader from application without PIN.

Hi,I am developing a bootloader, I would like to flash the STM32 using another MCU using USART.My question is, If it possible to enter into bootloader mode without using external pins? I would like to enter just by software, is that possible?I see th...

mtapia by Associate
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How to enable Fast Mode Plus(Fm+) for I2C on STM32L496?

I'm trying to configure the I2C to run at 1Mhz(Fm+) on STM32L496. As per the RM0351, it does support fast mode plus mode. I tried generating the code from STM32Cube IDE and check the SCL pin of logic analyzer. However, I see 400 khz I2C clock frequen...

ANath.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H5 DSP support

I'm trying to use CMSIS DSP on a STM32H563, but I do not get the expected results.In X-CUBE-ALGOBUILD.1.3.0, when I select DSP Library  in STM32CubeMX, the installed arm_math.h does not list Cortex-M33 support: #error "Define according the used Corte...

PieterG by Associate III
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