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Forum Posts

STM32l496: Clocking timer using LSCO

Hi, I wanted to clock my timer output using LSE crystal, but unfortunately only tim2 is supported with this feature. But then I saw an option of LSCO as output in cubemx, this enables the pin on MCU and according to documentation this output LSE cloc...

HZaib.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Disable Flash ECC NMI Issue

Hello,I am currently developing a Bootloader for a STM32H562. The Bootloader checks, if there is a valid application present by calculating a checksum over the application area. To avoid getting ECC errors during the checksum calculation, I disable t...

what are the MDMA setting for OCTOSPI

Those are the setting for STM32H7A3IIT6Q ?  (there is AN5050 where they show but DMA setting only)I am trying to useHAL_OSPI_Transmit_DMA(&hospi2, aTxBuffer)(I have this chip working in interrupt mode fine , HAL_OSPI_Transmit_IT(&hospi2, aTxBuffer) b...

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MNapi by Senior III
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uwTickPrio() at 0x20000004" problem

Hi everyone i got this error when i try to use hal_delay function I applied this solution it works now but the real time passed is the doub...

Ahmetp by Associate II
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STM32H7 QSPI in normal SPI mode for interface external DAC

My only need is to use QSPI (dual mode bank1) as a simple/normal SPI to drive external DAC (AD5066).  I should only use the Data phase, I don't need the Instruction, Address, Alt and Dummy phases of the QSPI.I have to use:QUADSPI_CLK---> DAC_CLKQUADS...

Vero by Associate II
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Resolved! FatFs unrealiable under high load on STM32H743

Hello,I am using a STM32H743 with a W25Q128 external flash memory running FreeRTOS and FatFs. USB is configured for mass storage, to copy files from a computer to the flash memory. The following function is used to list all the files and directories ...

JP_ama by Associate III
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Resolved! Unable to Use USB while using CAN in STM32F103

 I am using CAN peripheral and for debugging I am using USB-CDC to receive the status of the CAN transfers and Reception. The issue I am facing is The USB was recognized as Virtual Port when Only USB was initialized and used but when Implemented with...