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Forum Posts

SPI Slave Configuration Clock

Posted on September 21, 2015 at 16:52Hello,I use a stm32f103, I want to use the SPI peripheral in slave mode.The SPI Master is configured with a clock at 1Mhz.I must to configure the STM32 SPI peripheral with a clock at 1Mhz, but its not possible wi...

USB DFU Host class

Posted on September 18, 2015 at 09:58 Hello everybody, I am developing the firmware for a STM32F4 board which has to be capable of flashing slave STM32F4 boards by means of USB DFU. Since USB Host library doesn't have support for DFU clas...

Problem found in STM32Cube STM32L1 HAL ADC Driver

Posted on September 17, 2015 at 00:47In stm32l1xx_hal_ad.c in version 1.30 of the STM32Cube library, at line 538, there is a comparison of ScanConvMode to ADC_SCAN_ENABLE.....that works as long as the caller set ScanConvMode to ADC_SCAN_ENABLE rathe...

chuck2 by Associate
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Error: Cannot get available commands

Posted on February 29, 2012 at 22:05I get an error when trying to program an STM32F100C8 using the serial bootloader demo. It has been working fine for about a week then this morning I get this error. Cannot get available commands, Please, Try to ch...

brendon by Associate
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STemWin Example request based on Cube Startproject

Posted on September 17, 2015 at 15:01We try to set up our Hardware (480x272 capacitive touch TFT with SDRAM using STM32F429) using Cube, which works fine. But then to include STemWin is not easy, because all available Demonstrations / Hello Word Exa...

STM32F103RB and 2.4'' TFT problem

Posted on September 20, 2015 at 18:31Hello all,I have adevice on STM32 and 2.8'' TFT. But it was required to replace the 2,8'' display on 2.4''. The controlers are identical (ILI9325), 320x240 and 37 pin interface. But there was a problem:http://www...

Nucleo-F411RE - STLink does not function

Posted on September 19, 2015 at 21:02After using the Disco boards for awhile I have recently purchased a Nucleo board to try out. I plug it in to the same tools I was successfully working with the F4 Disco board and... nothing! STM Dfuse demonstrato...

STM32F427IIH6 Boot Problem

Posted on September 18, 2015 at 06:26Hi, currently I am using STM32F427IIH6 for my application, which is a 176+25 UFBGA package chip with its minimum circuit. When I am trying to upload my bootloader to the chip, the debugger fails to recognize the ...

Continuous MultiChannell DMA scan through HAL/ cube

Posted on September 18, 2015 at 23:39I would be grateful for some advice...I know how to make a single ADC do a continuous DMA round-robin conversion of a sequence of different channels, using the pre-Cube version of FW. Having enables scan mode, yo...

estersci2 by Associate III
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