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Forum Posts

external clock supply for STM32L0 discovery

Posted on November 24, 2015 at 06:11 Hello everyone. I want to supply an external clock (which frequency is 24MHz) to a STM32L0 Discovery board. I read the user manual (UM1775, ''OSC clock supply'', P22-23). First, I made SB2...

SD ADC behaviour on STM32F373

Posted on November 13, 2015 at 04:41Hello, I am using STM32F373RBTx micro in my prototype board and have an unexplained behaviour that I observed during my bench testing, particularly around SD ADC operation. 2 things were observed: 1. unexplaine...

samuel by Associate
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How to start with SMbus and F2 or F1?

Posted on November 20, 2015 at 15:53I have a sensor which uses SMbus. How many unexpected features it has, or does it work with STM32F2 directly? What about addresses and shifting them. So far, I2C bus has not worked.

LMI2 by Lead
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Strange image offset from camera to LCD

Posted on November 25, 2015 at 09:47Hi all, I've got an STM32F4 Discovery working with an OV7692 camera based on the sample project from ST. I've verified the image comes out fine by sending it over the UART. But every now and them the first image c...

STM32F1 v2.0.0 SW pack for MDK-ARM, STM32CubeMX?

Posted on October 23, 2015 at 10:06 I installed Software Pck for STM32F1 v2.0.0 to my MDK-ARM v5.16a, create project for STM32F103RB, add support for device SPI, in RTE_DEvice.h select SPI1, but when compule have eeror C:\Keil\ARM\PACK\Keil\S...

asrock70 by Associate II
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How to reset timer counter value once captured

Posted on November 25, 2015 at 17:32 I have a timer set up with a capture register which loads the counter value on a rising edge with the code below. However the counter value keeps increasing until overflow (not when counter value loaded into ...

jackygip by Associate II
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UART framing error on STM32F0 device

Posted on March 19, 2015 at 12:18Hello! I am currently using STM32F030R8T8 for communication purpose (RS485). The functions I wrote to communicate seems to be working fine but most of the time the communication stops and refuses to restart. I implem...