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Forum Posts

STM32 - HSE OSC 16 MHz fails to start

Posted on December 31, 2014 at 17:20 Hi, I have a problem with proper main clock configuration in STM32F030K6T6. I've connected an external crystal 16 MHz with 2x15 pF caps, but the HSE is not starting. Variable HSEStatus remains 0, so the PL...

slatybor by Associate II
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Timer PWM and Counter question

Posted on December 31, 2014 at 16:53I am using an STM32F407I want to generate exactly 400 pulses on PE5 or PE6 with a 50% duty cycle.I believe PE5 can be connected to TIM9 CH1, and PE6 can be connected to TIM9 CH2I have the PWM code running and I ha...

barry by Associate II
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Problem using STM32-MAT with STM32F407IGHx processor

Posted on December 31, 2014 at 17:30I'm not sure if this is the write community, and there don't seem to be a lot of posts related to the STM32-MAT tools, but I'm hoping I can get a little help.  I've just started trying to use the Simulink blockset ...

using the flash as an EEPROM of STM32F3

Posted on November 25, 2013 at 17:50Hi, This is a post that was posted before in a wrong thread, this post was : I would like to store my data in memory when the computing is done and used the data for the next use. I don't have the EEPROM memory o...

hilwan by Associate II
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problem in calling timer interrupt routine

Posted on December 30, 2014 at 05:19I am using timer2 and I am trying to generate an interrupt from it, so according to vector table the TIM2 ID is 44 so i  am defining an interrupt routine as __interrupt(44) void TIM2_IRQHandler() so why is it not ...

Changing the font size

Posted on December 30, 2014 at 22:41I am working on my final year project and i have to change font of my display on LCD..Only available fonts in library are 4Font16x24Font12x12Font8x12Font8x8i thought of creating my own font files but could not und...

aatif by Associate II
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