User Activity

I have a product line using an STM32F427ZIT6 MCU which has been in production for several years. Suddenly it seems to be unavailable. Both Mouser and Digikey have zero stock and cannot even quote a lead time. Our production will be halted very soon. ...
I have an application running on an ST32F446 using code generated by STM32CubeMX. I use SPI1 in slave mode to receive commands, and have FATFS operating with USB HOST to connect to a USB FLASH drive. I can send commands via the SPI interface to open ...
I am using STM32F446RET6 with STM32CubeMX and STM32CubeIDE to create an SPI slave device using SPI1 in DMA mode using the HAL SPI driver. I call HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA() in main to receive 1 byte from the attached SPI master device. It is successful, an...
Posted on June 25, 2015 at 19:21I have observed a problem with the SPI port on my STM32F427 processor. If I set the speed of the output pin driving the SPI clock signal to LOW, the processor does not read the received SPI data correctly. The STM32F4...
Posted on March 12, 2015 at 19:42I am having a problem with Flash Loader Demonstrator Version 2.7.0. I am trying to program the FLASH of an STM32F427ZIT ARM processor using the USART3 serial port. I am running Flash Loader Demonstrator on an XP comp...