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Forum Posts

STM32F091 UART1 Wake-UP from stop mode

Posted on June 17, 2016 at 14:03 I've been trying to get this beast to wake up from stop mode when it received data on UART1. This is my approach in code int main() { SystemCoreClockUpdate(); initStopMode(); initUart(); //Init othe...

b239955 by Associate II
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Can't build an example from ST

Posted on June 17, 2016 at 14:45Hi, I'm facing problem with one of St's example, this one

why no export to EmBlocks in STM32Cube ?

Posted on July 05, 2014 at 09:34Hi, EMBlocks is a good IDE for STM32, free, easier to use than Eclipse and it already support STM32 use with CMSIS. why no direct export to EmBlocks from STM32Cube..?? could be really a good thing for ST to support a ...

ffred by Associate II
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Trigger multiple DMA transfers?

Posted on June 23, 2016 at 10:08I'm using STM32F446. I'm working in a project with 3 SPI in master mode and SDIO. Ideally I would want to have every communications using DMA, but I have some questions I can't answer by reading the manual: Having ...

Maximum data thoughput on TCP/IP using LwIP?

Posted on June 09, 2016 at 10:36I plan to use an STM32F207 for data acquisition, as a TCP/IP server, using LwIP. The data would come from an FPGA using a parallel bus (F207 has FSMC for external SRAM and similar). Does anybody have an idea of the ma...

mjulier by Associate II
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Low voltage on STM32 F103x8

Posted on June 22, 2016 at 16:56HelloI have configured the TIMER3 to output PWM on PA6, PA7I need the PWM to initialize a device which require PWM input.First it worked fine, but on second day, the voltage of that pin dropped from 3V approx to 0.1V....