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Forum Posts

New to STM32's and MCU's in General

Posted on August 26, 2016 at 10:06Hi All,My name is Dylan and I am new to STM32 MCU's and the more nitty gritty of MCU's in general. I have wet my appetite with Arduino and have had a lot of fun doing so. But I want more and so I have invested in a ...

dylan by Associate III
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Limitations with differential ADC on STM32F3 family

Posted on September 02, 2016 at 10:18I'd like to create a multi cell Li-Ion (LiFePo4) battery monitor to measure the voltage of individual cells connected in series.  I was quite happy to find that the STM32F3 family has differential ADC capabilitie...

element by Associate II
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message transmission using GSM and stm32f303

Posted on September 02, 2016 at 09:10Hello,I am using gsm module to transmit a message using USART of stm32f303. I have used following commands for gsmAT+CMGF=1AT+CMGS=''+923046761738''at the end it requires CTRL+Z to send the message but usart is n...

STM32F407VG_Discovery IAR printf() console

Posted on September 02, 2016 at 00:16Hey Guys, i'm using the printf() to console to debug basic issues as i'm integrating an STM32F407VG_Discovery with an X-NUCLEO-IHMO2A1. In the dspin libraries to set the clocks for communicating with the L6470 Mo...

How to use the DWT_CYCCNT and DWT_CONTROL

Posted on September 01, 2016 at 19:53I am going to try some timings. I found some examples. In one example there was an address given for both registers. Is it always the same for all CPUs and is it necessary. The rest SW is with Cube. Very long lin...

LMI2 by Lead
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Interrupt Doesn't occur

Posted on September 01, 2016 at 21:47I am working on STM32F030 Discovery. I trying to generate 1ms interrupt. But the code doesn't work. But when change the htim3.Init.Period from 0 to 1, it works with 2ms interrupt. But I need 1ms interrupt. Freque...

anuj by Associate II
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STM32F072 ADC with reduced PCLK

Posted on August 31, 2016 at 14:17 I'm having a problem getting an accurate reading from the ADC with a reduced PCLK. The readings are about 800 values higher than what is expected (using 12bit ADC). When the microcontroller is running at 48MHz ...

STM32F072RBT6 CAN-BUS Problem

Posted on September 08, 2015 at 10:28 I want to use Stm32f072rbt6 can bus Port A CAN RX PA11 CAN TX PA12 I want to dara send and recive over can bus. I write this code bu it was'nt work. What is my mistake. /* Includes ----...