2016-10-20 04:09 PM
HI All,
If I enable usage faults in my F7Discovery project (F769) - I get usage fault in the HAL - specifically in stm32f7xx_hal_dsi.c line ♯ 1281 hdsi->Instance->GPDR=((uint32_t)(*(ParametersTable + uicounter)) | \ ((uint32_t)(*(ParametersTable + uicounter+1)) << 8) | \ ((uint32_t)(*(ParametersTable + uicounter+2)) << 16) | \ ((uint32_t)(*(ParametersTable + uicounter+3)) << 24));My debug output from the hard fault handler is as follows:Unaligned access UsageFault<\n>r0 = 0x0800d541<\n>r1 = 0x00000000<\n>r2 = 0x00000039<\n>r3 = 0x0000000e<\n>r12 = 0x00000006<\n>lr = 0x08001cd1<\n>pc = 0x08001cf0<\n>psr = 0x01000000<\n>I would like to enable this for my project but this wont be possible if the libraries are faulting . The code is standard cube code provided by ST.Any ideas on if this can be fixed ?ThanksImtiaz #stm32f7