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Software interrupt doesn't work

Posted on September 30, 2016 at 13:41Hello! I use STM32F429ZI and I try to set a software interrupt, but it doesn't work. I set it as follows:     EXTI->IMR |= EXTI_IMR_MR0;      NVIC_SetPriority(EXTI0_IRQn, 15);      NVIC_EnableIRQ(EXTI0_IRQn);    ...

z1060 by Associate II
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Unable to run program on STM32F091VB

Posted on September 30, 2016 at 11:59Hi,I programmed simple GPIO high/low code on STM32F091VB through STVP but not getting any output from it. First, i configured BOOT OPTION BYTE  then i was able to flash the microcontroller successfully. Refer att...

HC-05 & HC-06 Bluetooth receiving wrong data usart

Posted on September 29, 2016 at 23:10 Hi, I got two STM32 board which I'm trying to send data through one and receive it on the other board through bluetooth. I have configured the HC-05 as master and it connects to the HC-6 successfully....

dragomir by Associate
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Vbus leaking into VDD STM32L476

Posted on September 30, 2016 at 12:50I am using a STM32L476 and I have a problem with de Vbus. It starts random to leak into de Vdd. I generate my code through CubeMXBackground: I am using a STM32L476JGY6. VDD-VDDA-VBAT-VDDIO2  running on 1V8VDDUSB ...

TIM1 remap cause debug crash

Posted on September 27, 2016 at 12:26Hi there,I build a Keil project for my STM32F103 MCU with STM32CubeMx.My goal is use the TIM1 channel 2 for control a Buzzer.I want to generate a PWM at 4KHz through TIM1 channel 2.I configured, with STM32CubeMx,...

Fede Rico by Associate III
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