2017-01-16 2:36 AM
Subject: CubeMX 4.19: Nucleo-F4 Board Selection?
Hi there,
I have CubeMX 4.19 installed with these 'FW' for STM 32L1 & 32F4 processors:- STM32Cube_FW_L1_V1.6.0
- STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.14.0
My target: STM32 Nucleo-F401RE board that I am using to learn the STM series processors and libs, programming strategies. However, there is no board selection for any 'Nucleo F4' boards in the v4.19 CubeMX, yet there are board selections available for STM 32F4 'Discovery' boards as can be seen in the two screen captures below.CubeMX v4.19 Missing Nucleo-F4 Board Selection Problem
CubeMX v4.19 32F4 'Discovery' Board Selections are available
On the STM website, I find that there are only three F4 Nucleo boards being offered:
NUCLEO-F410RBNUCLEO-F411REWhile it is true that I can likely kluge together a work-around project, I am using my Nucleo-F401RE board's Morpho-connectors (neato-feature) in a project, I wire-wrapped the prototype. So it would really be convenient to be able to use a CubeMX board initialization project configuration & any associated default connector labels.
Is this a bug or an oversight? Is a patch available that resolves the matter that I've missed? A planned future feature?
Thanks in advance,gps engineer
Photo Inserts:
1) CubeMX_419 Nucleo-F4 Board Selection Problem.png
2) CubeMX_419 Discovery F4 Board Selection.png
Tags: CubeMX 4.19, stm32F4, Missing Nucleo32 Board Selection Setting
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x STM32 Evaluation Tools
x STM32 Software Tools and FirmwareSolved! Go to Solution.
2017-01-16 5:49 AM
Hi armor,
'MCU selector' window,
you can configure the MCU, that you will work with, as your hardware requires.Regards,
2017-01-16 3:07 AM
Hi Armor,
The STM32F401RE device contains 64 pins. So, in CubeMX, you should choose ''Nucleo64'' and not ''Nucleo32''.
Just for you information, there is also another Nucleo64 pin (other than the ones that you have already enumerated); which is the Nucleo-F446RE.
Please feel free to contact as if you need more help.Best regards,
Khouloud.2017-01-16 5:49 AM
Hi armor,
'MCU selector' window,
you can configure the MCU, that you will work with, as your hardware requires.Regards,
2017-01-16 6:19 AM
Khouloud G,
Thanks for the nice and cogent reply. Hah! Actually I came back to the forum as it dawned on me that the 'Board' selector 'type' indicates the number of uController package pins. Clever. Probably would have figured it out if I had expended just a bit more time click'n & clack'n on CubeMX and doing a bit more reading of the UM1718 manual.
While discoursing re; CubeMX, is there some facility or perhaps a guide somewhere that enables one to engineer their own 'board' design datum which then can be *added* to the CubeMX Board-Selector database? That way I could add my own board designs for convenience, or even add, boards made by AdaFruit, Olimex, etc. Not intending to compete with STM's nicely priced evaluation and development boards. Of course any bugs would need be remedied by the third-party. The feature couldprove be very useful, whole cottage industries could develop from it.
In any case CubeMX is a sexy program.
gps engineer