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STM32F7 Nucleo with SD card issue

Posted on December 22, 2016 at 09:14Hi, i'm using Stm32f746zg nucleo-144 board and i want to work with sd card communication, as i see on internet there are some examples about f4 but i did not work with sd card. ?f anybody tried something about sd ...

Does it belongs to STM32F070RBT?

Posted on December 21, 2016 at 09:16Dear Sir, Can you tell me HAL_MspInit(void) function belongs to which STM device ? Doesnt  it belongs to stm32f7xx? I have srearch in this document, but didnt findUM1785 User manualDescription of STM32F0xx HAL...


why i get wrong data of pitch and roll angle ?

Posted on December 21, 2016 at 22:00i have question about accelerometer of stm32f4 LIS302dl version why i get wrong data of  pitch and roll angle ? mySPI_SendData(0x20,0xC7); //LIS302D Configacc_pitch = atan2(acc_x, -acc_z)*180/M_PI; acc_roll = -ata...

DMA with ADC trouble

Posted on December 21, 2016 at 02:12Hi again,I am trying to use DMA now as its more straightforward but still not working for me. Ain[0] below is only reading some weird voltage 0-0.17V instead of 1.3V and Ain[1] reads nothing stays 0.  can you plea...

Raider E by Associate III
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Keil-Atollic GCC Issue (SPI communcation)

Posted on December 21, 2016 at 11:59Hi,For 32KB code limit, I need to convert my working Keil Project (STM32L476) to Atollic Truestudio 7.1.For the SPI1 (Accelerometer) communication, the following LL code works perfectly in Keil, but nothing is rec...

rumlyen by Associate II
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