User Activity

Good DayI am having some issues with the software EEPROM Emulation Library for the STM32L433. Every couple of minutes I save a few system parameters to the virtual EEPROM. Many times this operations fails, and EE_ERROR_NOACTIVE_PAGE is returned. I do...
Good DayI am having an issue with I2C and hope someone can point me in the right direction.I have an I2C master and two I2C slaves on a bus. The master sends a message to the slave and then reads back the response from the slave, which works.If I add...
How can I detect (from a master device) when a slave Acknowledges its address on the I2C bus? I can see on my oscilloscope that the slave Acks its address, but I can't figure out how to detect that Ack from the I2C registers on the master. I'm using ...
Posted on February 01, 2018 at 09:07 Good Day If I call: HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, (uint32_t*)getADCBuffer, adcBufferLength); //uint16_t getADCBuffer[adcBufferLength] and adcBufferLenght is defined as 1000�? and then call: HAL_ADC_Sto...
Posted on January 31, 2018 at 06:57 Good Day I have an ADC Configured for Continous conversion with DMA. I Periodically stop it and quickly process the data before starting it again. I would like to know how to process the data if I enable ...
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