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Forum Posts

Measure frequency up to 10kHz

Posted on October 14, 2016 at 13:14hi , i want to measure frequency  using stm32f0.i didn't  get how use input capture direct  mode in timer refer http:// i am using keil MDK 5 and cube mx for programming ....

Ringing noise in PWM Outputs STM32F4

Posted on October 13, 2016 at 17:02Hi, I�m using the STM32F4 Discovery TIMER3 with channel 1 and channel 3 in mode pwm output.  I realised that when I�m use the module timer, I get ringing noise in the rising edge and falling edge of the PWM, and al...

lortiz by Associate
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stm32f103 pwm input to read as5048 pwm signal

Posted on October 13, 2016 at 10:30Hi, I would like to read pwm output from as5048 encoder and I dont know how to do it. I understand this pwm frame, but how I may read output pwm step by step?

Using same binary on STM32F407 and STM32F405

Posted on October 14, 2016 at 15:17I'm building a bootloader and it shall run on a 100pin STM32F407 and a 64pin STM32F405. From reading the reference manual they seem very similar (except for some peripherals). My dev-environment does include an ass...

stephan2 by Associate II
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PWM pins on STM32F072CB

Posted on October 12, 2016 at 08:37Hello,I am working on STM32F072CB micro controller on a custom board. I am using mbed compiler and IDE for the development. I am having an issue related to the PWM pins on mcu.I have configure PB_4(pin 40) and PB_5...

akshat by Associate II
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