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Forum Posts

Resolved! How does VREFBUF HIZ bit get set via CUBEIDE?

I have a project where VREFBUF outputs 2.0xxV correctly without intervention. I created a new project and I see VREFBUF output stuck at 0V, and I'm not sure what's causing the changed behavior.  I inspected the VREFBUF_CSR register and I see ENVR=1 a...

KHarb.1 by Senior II
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Resolved! Zephyr MCUboot for Stm32

Using following settings:IDE : VS Code Programmer : Stm32Cube programmerStlink Debugger OS: Zephyr MCU: Stm32u5 series  I'm trying to use following link in order to sign application image: ...

A Maq by Senior
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Delay in SPI Transfer with STM32H7

Dear ForumIm using STM32 H755 ZI in the starter kit. I set the Timer 4 for generate a Interrupt each 1ms.At begin of INT:     -I toggle a PIN,      -and, send a SPI data (8 byte or 16..not important)What I noted is a delay of almost 10uS beetwen pin ...

Roibert by Associate II
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I2C master transmission with DMA not Working

Hi I'm trying to establish a communication using I2C with a MCP45HVX1 digital potentiometer device with the stm32g474-re discovery board, I'm using I2C2 module that has been configured with MX with interrupt enabled. I'm using PF0 as SDA and PC4 as S...

Vueko by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H7 playback example

Is there an application or example about an "audio playback" project using the SAI interface (SAIA-SAIB) connected to a Codec ?I'm using the Nucleo NUH723ZG board. Thank you, Carlo

carloV by Associate II
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Resolved! Hello, I am trying to set up a FDCAN communication (STD Id) at a baud rate of 250 kbit/s in STM32G473RBT . The Tx part seems to work perfectly but I have a problem at the level of the reception.

I try to just toggle a led for each received frame (STD ID).With a logic analyser I checked the Rx pin on the Rx MCU and the frames arrive well. Hence my feeling that the problem lies at the level of the callback function where the MCU never go.Than...

USB Device MSC with External Flash

Hi team,            I am working on stm32F7 discovery board, I am working on USB MSC Device however i am not getting , how to configure external flash of this discovery board as Mass Storage. My main goal here is as soon as i connect the controller t...

Shikamaru by Associate III
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