User Activity

I can't run the exe file on my pc, due to internal policies.Could someone upload the whole directory structure and files in github?
I'm looking for a simple solution to update firmware on my application developed on a STM32L476, with the minimum effort.As far as I understood this chip already has a boot on it that allows to get data via UART1 and a proprietary protocol from STM.I...
I am trying to calculate the FFT using CMSIS-DSP.I downloaded the latest CMSIS-DSP from github, copied folders CMSIS\DSP\Include, CMSIS\DSP\PrivateInclude and CMSIS\DSP\Source in my Drivers folder, added CMSIS\DSP\Include and CMSIS\DSP\PrivateInclude...
I am using the STM driver to control the LIS2DH12TR accelerometer.The freeRTOS sensor task is as following (checks on return values and variables definitions are removed to simplify the code comprehension): void MEMS_task(void) { lis2dh12_self_te...
I'm working on a custom STM32U5 board and I'm trying to harden the system.I followed the AN5347 ( in particular I foll...