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C++ in a C project

Posted on November 24, 2016 at 11:58I am working on a project with the followingNUCLEO-F401RE boardAC6 IDEA freeRTOS project with, currently, 2 tasks.I want to add a C++ class, with C wrappers into the project.I can add the files, with .cpp extensio...

Resolved! While using same project in SW4STM32

Posted on December 06, 2016 at 09:45 Dear Sir, As we discussed earlier, difficulties on adapting project in SW4STM32 and mdk-keil, things might related to compiler, including paths, wrong pre-processors, undefined characters, unresolved items, mi...


problem jump application after reset

Posted on December 06, 2016 at 11:31I have problem with jump to application by bootloader  after reset. The device used is the STM32F098.The code of the bootloader making the jump is:&sharpdefine APPLICATIONADDRESS    (uint32_t)0x08008000/* Test if ...

samir2 by Associate II
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STM32L0 LPTIM in Stop Mode

Posted on December 01, 2016 at 23:27Hello everyone. I am a new member to this forum and this is my first use of STM32 products. I'm developing on the STM32L0 Discovery board and building off the LPTIM Timeout Example. Is it possible to start the LPT...

mitch2 by Associate
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Manuals - Numbers.

Posted on December 05, 2016 at 18:13ST document numbers/Titles?UM1734: I have this. I want to see if I have the latest revision so ----All along the bottom of each page is 'DocID025934 Rev 3'1. Doing a SITE SEARCH for 'DocID025934' or parts of it tu...

Stm32f4 fatfs sdio problem

Posted on November 30, 2016 at 18:41Hi,I am using fatfs sdio with my stm32f429 mcu. When i use f_open function in main loop it works well, but when i use it in timer interrupt callback function it fails, it does not return from fatfs. what can the r...

er3481 by Senior
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Hardware Error in M3 and M4?

Posted on November 29, 2016 at 13:23if i call the assembly instruction ''sub sp, sp, 0xF8'' alias ''BE B0'' (instruction code), the code is executed as a ''nop''. Checked with F103 and L471. Does anyone know about that or can confirm this? Is the as...

damh by Associate II
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