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Forum Posts

RTC Read only working once

Posted on May 22, 2017 at 21:01I'm working with the latest update of the HAL drivers for the STM32F446RET6. I want to use the RTC in my project and display the time on a display. The first call of HAL_RTC_GetTime works flawless and returns the curre...

STM32L072: PWM Output with HAL

Posted on May 20, 2017 at 14:34Hello everybody!I cannot find whats missing in my timer initialisation: TIM3_CH2 interrupt is generated correctly (as the callback function is executed and a led on a generic GPIO of the STM32 Demo Board is driven by c...

davide by Associate II
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Resolved! UART Framing Error on STM32F1

Posted on May 19, 2017 at 14:32Hi,I have an STM32F1 and am running the UART printf example from the standard peripheral library. I've modified the code to allow me to use USART3 (I'm using a custom pcba and only USART3 is wired to a connector mounte...


TIM1 to trigger ADC conversion

Posted on May 21, 2017 at 17:55Hi to everyone, I apologize for the umpteenth discussion on this topic.I have some questions about Timer in general to which I did not found good answers:1- I would like to use TIM1_CH1 to start ADC conversion but from...

Resolved! Cube and JTAG/SWD

Posted on May 22, 2017 at 16:07Hello,the pinout view of Cube is good for planning pin assignment. However I don't see an item for SWD/JTAG to reserve the needed pins.  Do I miss something? Otherwise Cube should get entries for JTAG/SWD.

STM32F429IGT SDRAM Read/Write

Posted on May 22, 2017 at 14:44Hi all,I've got a board with IS45S16400J SDRAM connected to MCU, FMC bank 2. I'm entering data via UART and write it to SDRAM, then I'm reading it and sending back data.Received data looks kinda strange, the first 8 by...


Posted on May 20, 2017 at 04:11Hi:Where is download usb host the firmware library?I want use it to do usb host(class 06h image).Help me,Please.

li chao by Associate
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STM32F4 USART issue

Posted on May 22, 2017 at 01:33Hello,I've been trying to send data by uart from stm32f429i board to computer through usb. I learned from the datasheet that two pins - PA9 -tx and PA9-rx are connected to ST-LINK programmer so it seemed possible. I up...

Resolved! STM32F746 Disco HardFault

Posted on April 30, 2017 at 15:09Hi,Creating a EmWin application based on a STM32F746 Disco, using OpenSTM32. I toke the STemWin example application as a starting point. Occasionally (once every 1-3 hours of operation) I'm running into a Hard Fault ...

paul2 by Senior
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