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Forum Posts

Problem with ADC Multi-channel DMA

Posted on December 04, 2017 at 22:33Hello,I am using ADC multi-channel DMA on stm32f105rc to receive some data on 3 adc channels. Ideally I would see 3 values with not much variations on my PC display. However, values I retrieved from the DMA were c...

fan zhang by Associate II
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STM32L496VE and Keil ARM-MDK 5

Posted on December 06, 2017 at 13:15Hello,I am trying to program software for the STM32L496VE MCU with the Keil ARM-MDK 5 IDE. But unfortunatly the Device I am using is not included in the latest Device Feature Pack (Keil::STM32L4xx_DFP). A screensh...

sdio and fatfs r0.12 not working

Posted on November 09, 2017 at 20:55Hello!i have very simple project on board stm32f4discovery, it is test microSD card project, code was generate in stm32cubemx version 4.22 (fatfs r0.11) with pack STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.15.0 for MDK-ARM V5. This proje...

The strange work of SPI

Posted on December 07, 2017 at 11:37 I use STM32F401CBU6 with two AD7690 in chain mode (Page 21: I connected IN AD7690 to VREF. The oscilloscope I get 11111111 111111...


Encoder mode both edges

Posted on March 31, 2016 at 17:02Hi to everybody!I need some help to correct this code. It seems to be correct, but it counts only 8 edges per cycle, while I need to take into account all the 16 edges that are avaiable (rising and falling, 4 sensors...

STM32F429 Discovery OverCurrent LED

Posted on November 07, 2014 at 23:26Hi everyone.I'm not sure what I did, but my F429 Discovery board is drawing way to much current. The overcurrent light (LD6) turns on when I supply the board with power and U8, which I believe is a power distribut...

stone by Associate II
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How wake up from I2C when I enter STOP mode?

Posted on December 07, 2017 at 05:59Thx for reading,I am using I2C of STM32L476, and have one Master , two Slave device.Slave1 will go into STOP mode, and need wake up by I2C.Slave2 not be polling by Master every 100ms.But after Slave1 into STOP mod...
