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Posted on May 14, 2018 at 20:16Hi!I'm using STM32F105RB chip with built-in bootloader code (jumping to bootloader by selecting BOOT0/BOOT1 voltages)If part of the chip is write protected then chip erase fails , and the MCU eventually reboots into it...
Posted on June 23, 2017 at 04:01Hi everyone!I'm using STM32F105 MCU , and I'd like to explore built-in DFU featureWhen I set BOOT0/BOOT1 pins per datasheet and reboot the MCU, the feature always works ok no matter how read out protection is set in o...
Posted on June 16, 2017 at 16:56Hello!Got a weird problem with STM32F105R8T6 chipWhile the same code, compiled and running on  STM32F103R8T6, works okProgram size is 17 kB as can be seen from map file:AHBPrescTable 0x0800473a Data 16 system_stm32f1x...
Posted on October 15, 2015 at 10:21 I'd like some help narrowing down the origin of my problem withSTM32F030 and CubeMX generated code. Just made some project using the newest version of CubeMX software, and it didn't work. I could simpli...
Posted on October 12, 2015 at 21:55Hi All! I'd like to know is there a way (linker directive or something) to set option byte value I'm aware that I can set ROP when downloading the program via ST_link, but that means there's a chance that I forget ...