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STM32H7 QSPI with DMA problem when using AXI SRAM.

Posted on January 08, 2018 at 14:26Hi,   My H7 application uses ethernet and QSPI. The RAM region is AXI SRAM (0x24000000), when the destination pointer of the QSPI DMA is in AXI SRAM  sometimes the memory reads correctly and sometimes not. So a cre...

Asantos by Senior
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Posted on January 08, 2018 at 10:41Hi all,Anyone tried for USB HID KEYBOARD emulation like sending 'hello world' to PC using STM32 USB HID DEVICE.I am using Atollic true studio and stm32 cube tried with mouse examples also but not succeed getting us...

why does Led blink modify in this code?

Posted on January 06, 2018 at 14:42hi.i wrote a code in IAR for stm32f103ret, the code is for blink led and  problem is the time is different when the led is on and the led is off .But the wait is same both of set led and reset led.19 seconds led is...

synchronous non-multiplexed PSRAM

Posted on December 21, 2017 at 13:34We are using STM32 microcontrollers that have a parallel data bus driven by on-board memory controller called FMC. This data bus has multiple operating modes and the one in which we are interested is synchronous n...


Posted on December 24, 2017 at 22:48hello i am working on AC dimmer with stm32f373.i have a issue when the fire angle change in TIMx-> this case the lamps have filkcer.i use the timer of MCU that runs in timer mode with internal can ...

l90mehdi by Associate II
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STM3210C-Eval BNC channel11 analog input

Posted on January 08, 2018 at 09:51Hello, I am looking for example of how to get analog data from BNC (channel11) instead of potentiometer in STM3210C-Eval board. I used the peripheral library example ADC1 DMA as a base. I understand that PC.04 (GPI...

Hello am working on STM32L476RG development Board i am trying to develop a smart watch as part of my masters academic project when trying to import the code from mbed complier the code is compiled but it is not being dumped may I know the reason for it

Posted on January 06, 2018 at 18:29 Hello am working on STM32L476RG development Board i am trying to develop a smart watch as part of my masters academic project when trying to import the code from mbed complier the code is compiled but it is not b...

CAN and system clock configuration

Posted on April 26, 2017 at 06:50Hi, CAN interface  on STM32F769I is not sending data using Clock configuration 1 but CAN interface is sending data with configuration 2. I am not able to narrow down that how the CAN interface is getting affected by ...

Jith cr by Associate II
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