2018-01-24 5:00 PM
Hi I'm new with stm32, I bought an stm32f0discovery but I can't work with it I wanna get help or some tutorial please.
2018-01-25 1:42 AM
Why can't you 'work with it'? Where are you stuck? What have you tried?
For basic getting-started tips, see:
2018-01-25 1:43 AM
Please don't put the entire question in the subject line!
2018-01-25 2:54 AM
Maybe we should have FAQ page since many questions are asked again and again without searching the site (not sure if the searching works fine now - it works at least for me). The basic stuff:
-how to start
-where the training materials are stored
-some basic projects e.g LED blinking (*.ioc based projects) - not everybody find ST delivered examples interesting when he/she would like to start - these examples have no ioc files what is particularly important when you want to use BSP (I shared several project for a few Discovery boards)
Your post is really good to be re-used here....
2018-01-25 3:16 AM
Bogdan Golab wrote:
many questions are asked again and again without searching
and there's the fundamental flaw: people who don't search won't find the FAQ.
2018-01-25 3:33 AM
I guess it would help people like you - instead of writing time consuming posts you would just add a link to the FAQ:)
On the other hand we all could update such FAQ to have shared (and updated) knowledge base. In theory.
2018-01-25 4:07 AM
Good point.
2018-01-25 6:28 AM
Could I use arduino modules such as esp8266 for wifi or sdcard module ?
2018-01-25 7:36 AM
Yes, it is certainly possible.
Whether you, specifically, have the necessary skills and experience is less certain ...
2018-01-25 7:58 AM
Generally you can use arduino shields. CAre should be taken if a particular modules uses 5V logic - e.g. arduino shield with LCD 48x84 display has also joystick on board and uses analog pin - so in this case a divider would be helpful to avoid connecting 5V input directly.
The conclusion is: it's worth studying the schematic earlier. It is always worth to check voltage - STM32 is definitely 3.3V powered devices - It has 5V available to power other stuff but uses 3.3V and not all pins are 5V tolerant.