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Forum Posts

Occasional runt I2C 9th clock edge.

Posted on February 07, 2018 at 17:41Hi,We are running a system with a single F7 I2C master and a number of F0 based I2C slaves (currently 4 slaves), each slave is connected to the master via ~0.3m cables.  We are using 10-bit addressing.We are seein...

CAN filter

Posted on February 06, 2018 at 14:44Dear,I try to understand CAN filtering mechanism  to use it in my application. I understand that it is possible to filtering by ID type, frame type and ID scale.In the case of standard ID, I understand that it's p...


Resolved! no response from usart - stm32f3 discovery

Posted on February 07, 2018 at 06:10I have been trying to get the USART to work on the stm32f3 discovery for a while without any success. Currently, the TX pin (PA2) is at a constant 3.3V, the RX pin (PA3) is at a constant 0V. I am using an FTDI Bas...

Resolved! What's threshold voltage for external interrupt?

Posted on February 07, 2018 at 21:12Hello, I'm just wondering what is the threshold voltage used to determine if an external interrupt due to falling or rising edge should occur. I'm attempting to find it in the datasheet, but unsure at which value ...


Posted on February 07, 2018 at 00:21Hello, I�m trying to get a precise measure with the ADC of the NUCLEO-F103RB but I can�t get a stable result. I measure the internal reference voltage in IN17 of ADC1 but the value is also unstable, so I think the...

Resolved! STM32F746ZG STM32F767ZI unexpected, unwanted Reset

Posted on February 03, 2017 at 17:20I use NUCLEO-F746 and NUCLEO-767, CubeMX 4.19 with FreeRTOS and LWIP.No Watchdog, enough space for sprintf() stack behaviour and SRAM1 only.DC power comes from a DCDC 24/5V converter, super clean, monitored by Osc...

Resolved! [Solved] Linker script: block RAM for variables

Posted on October 04, 2017 at 20:09How do I have to configure the linker script file to block the required spacefor Ethernet buffers at 0x24000000?STM32H743 starts with DTCM at 0x20000000, but Ethernet works in 0x24000000 only.I want to use the RAM ...