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Forum Posts

About STM32L486 Reset Pin problem

Posted on February 07, 2018 at 08:21Hi All,   I had found a problem with STM32L486, That I connect this pin with 100K pull up to 3V3 and a 0.1uF cap to GND. It won't work when I drag&drop through SWDIO/SWDCLK .hex files in to it. But if I connect th...

NUCLEO L073RZ board heating up

Posted on February 06, 2018 at 18:47I am seeing a problem with couple of my Nucleo L073RZ REV C boards which starts to heat up when powered using VIN i.e 12V supply. The boards are working fine, but I can feel the temperature increase if I touch the...

State of GPIOs for STM32H7 MCUs

Posted on February 06, 2018 at 07:35Hi can someone please point me to the relevant datasheet that describes the state of the STM32H7 GPIO pins during the following conditions:1) During power up2) Just after reset (when the Power On Reset is released...

Resolved! Floating Point for STM32F303RE and IAR compiler

Posted on February 06, 2018 at 21:17Hello,I have  a project where I'm using some floating point variables.  When I pass the float variable into a function (passed by value) the variable inside the function shows 0.0 in the debugger.  The code compil...

How to get data from ADC with STM32F7

Posted on February 03, 2018 at 23:02So I wanted to read out multiple channels from adc3 on my stm32f7 discovery. I have been able to read out one channel and set up for multiple ones, but I can't figure out how to read out per channel. I wanted to r...


Posted on February 06, 2018 at 06:15HELLO, I use the F446zet6 bxCAN to receive the message from pCAN , and found bxCAN no ACK in receive ending.Could you please let me know How to resolve this problem?