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Resolved! TIM2 Upcounting Count Restart Issue

Posted on May 02, 2018 at 03:43The TIM2 timer on an STM32F0 seems to not be resetting to 0 once the counter reaches the ARR value on occasion. I am periodically changing the ARR value, but the values are all in a small range. After a random amount o...

Interfacing Max232 with stm32

Posted on May 03, 2018 at 14:00I'm working with stm32vldiscovery and I'm going to use max232 for USART. I'm using usart1 (pA9 and pA10 as TX and RX).The question is witch is the best way to make it wortk correctly and safetly specially with the RX p...

Can both microphones and Line In audio input channels on STM32F769I DISCO board be used simultaneously for 2 different audio sources?

Posted on April 30, 2018 at 06:27STM32F769I DISCO board has 2 input options (mics and line in) and 2 output options (headphones and speaker). According to the examples in the CUBE package, we have the option to use both outputs simultaneously. Is it...

flashing stm32F303 based custom board

Posted on May 03, 2018 at 23:36Hello,I am making a custom board based on STM32F3 discovery board. My custom board is an exact copy of the discovery board with additional sensor components. I can easily program STM32F3 board as st-link is already bui...

STM32L4 register setting

Posted on May 03, 2018 at 19:43I'm trying to program STM32L4-discovery board using the registers of ST32L4 only. I wanted to modify flash latency and see if the register value really changes by using gdb. However, it turned out that the following si...

M. Jeong by Associate II
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Cubemx 4.25 STM32F767 EXTI problem

Posted on April 03, 2018 at 20:44I've configured a number of pins on the 767 as EXTI but there is no option in NVIC to enable the interrupts and no code generated. The pins are correctly identified in  the GPIO configuration tab.Moreover, the exampl...

Using ll_sdmmc.c with eMMC

Posted on April 25, 2018 at 16:40Hi,I�m working on a project with the STM32L4 on a custom board. We want to access a eMMC to store acquired data. First, we used the HAL_sd.c library, but since it�s not compatible with eMMC, we now want to use the lo...

Maxim H by Associate
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