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When I connnect from App.the followign msg poped ip continuously. and no fucntion work properlywhat is the reason. I upgraded the FW on FOTA  at the first connection.what is the suggestion ?Thanks!Forest  
Hi, All I am new to use STM IC. have the following question. please help.1) Nucleo-c0316C, cubeIde Version: 1.12.12) import CubeIDE example I2C_TwoBoards_AdvComIT. that worked fine3) changed the I2C address from 0x3E to 0x78 build all. then 13:20:5...
I have bought some H745 IC. I am sure if they are old or new
Posted on June 11, 2018 at 06:36I have a project that is a series speakers.  There are 2 speakers master speaker (MS)  and slave Speaker (SS)I want to design the MS as following function.1) use phone as controller through Bluetooth2) MS with SD card...