2018-06-06 1:00 AM
Hello all!
I'm trying to detect whether a debugger is attached to my program. I've read in other threads (like this one:
) that there is a register in the SCB named DHCSR (Debug Halt Control and Status Register) which is used by debuggers who set bit 0 when they attach.http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0337e/CEGCJAHJ.html
gives more details about this register.However, when I read out that register on my Nucleo-F767ZI board, bit 0 is always set to 1. Of course it should be 1 when I launch my program from System Workbench, but when I disconnect the debugger and reset the microcontroller, bit 1 is still set. The contents of DHCSR is different when debugging or not debugging (when debugging, it is 0x1000d, when not debugging, it is 0x1010001), but I expected the least significant bit to be 0 when not debugging.
I use this code to read out DHCSR:
volatile unsigned int* const SCB_DHCSR = (volatile unsigned int *)0xE000EDF0;
if (*SCB_DHCSR & 1)...
Am I doing something wrong? Is this a peculiarity with the STM32F767?
null2018-06-06 4:37 AM
On the CM7 you usually have to unlock access to ITM and DWT registers
Equivalent code to this for assorted LAR in debug peripherals
volatile unsigned int *DWT_LAR = (volatile unsigned int *)0xE0001FB0; //address of the register
*DWT_LAR = 0xC5ACCE55; // unlock
Might dig into this later.
2018-06-06 4:59 AM
Thanks for the quick response! I gave it a try, but unfortunately even with the st-link disconnected I get a read out of 0x1010001, indicating that it thinks a debugger is attached.
2018-06-06 5:46 AM
Yes, I've removed the two jumpers connecting the SWD lines from ST-LINK to the STM32F767. By the way, I've upgraded the ST-LINK device with the J-LINK software, but since I've removed the jumpers that shouldn't matter.
2018-06-06 7:11 AM
Are you pulling the ST-LINK jumpers in the test case? I might expect the mbed firmware to probe the device
2018-06-11 10:49 PM
I've figured out what was going on: Although the debugger sets that specific bit in SCB_DHCSR, it is never reset to 0, not even by a hard reset. When power is removed though, the bit is reset. With this behaviour, the bit indicates whether a debugger /is/ attached /or has been/ attached since the last power up. Well, works good enough for my purpose.