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STM32F446RET6 Nokia5110

I am using CMSIS for STM32F446RET6 (clock speed at 180 MHz) to drive Nokia5110 LCD Module via SPI1. But, this program doesn't work. When I test with STM32F103C8T6 (using CMSIS and Clock speed 72 MHz), Nokia5110 work well. Please help me. How to corre...

May by Associate
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Resolved! JPG Image with LIBJPEG (STM32F4)

I'm trying to read a .JPG image file from my SD Card (FATFS) and want to use LIBJPEG for decoding it. Everything seems to be fine until I execute the **jpeg_start_decompress()** function. As soon as this ifunction is executed a UsageFault is generate...

ADC Conversion time of STM32U5A5

Hello,i've implemented a routine to measure some ADC channels with the MCU STM32U5A5ZJ.After one measurement is finished (interrupt triggers after conversion) i start the conversion for the next channel.Settings:ADC conversion: Single conversion mode...

Shaheen by Associate II
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Resolved! Wrong message ID sent on FDCAN

I am using the FDCAN module on STM32H753 to send messages. The message ID is always the same: 0x7DF. So I create a static Tx header:  static FDCAN_TxHeaderTypeDef txHeader = { .Identifier = 0x07DF, .IdType = FDCAN_STANDARD_ID, .TxFrameType = FDCAN_DA...

MZadn.1 by Associate II
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Issue to generate an alarm interupt on STM32C031

Hi,I try to configure a STM32C031K6 to generate an interupt every seconds using RTC Alarm A (RTC clocked by 32.768KHz crystal).I am working on STM32Cube IDE 1.15.1. First issue was that the device configuration tool does not generate any code regardi...

mjacquin_0-1718371573119.png mjacquin_1-1718371641930.png
mjacquin by Associate
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STM32CubeMX Mac updater does not work

Hi,whenever I try to run the CubeMX updater on MacOS, using sudo, the update will fail with:" Updater cannot write on Software Folder. It's probably due to a bad Acces Privilege."I tried to give everyone, admin and me the right to read and write the ...