STM32F4 SPI Receive Problem
Sorry, I have another question to ask everyone. I am currently using the STM32F429ZIT6 to receive data from the AD7366 via SPI. My Code: int main(){ /* Initialize all configured... */ while(1){ /* CNVST Enable */ GPI...
Sorry, I have another question to ask everyone. I am currently using the STM32F429ZIT6 to receive data from the AD7366 via SPI. My Code: int main(){ /* Initialize all configured... */ while(1){ /* CNVST Enable */ GPI...
Hello, I've been trying to port over ST OpenBootloader for use with an STM32L431KBUx over CAN. I specifically want to use CAN pins PA11 and PA10 as those are what are available in the package I chose. As I am porting over the ST Openbootloader code f...
Hi All,I have created two projects. One is for the bootloader and another one is for the Application and will place the bootloader in the starting position of the flash, which is 0x08000000. And application into 0x08040000.Below is the code for bootl...
Hello everyone,I'm working on an in-application firmware update for an STM32H7 series microcontroller. The process involves erasing and then writing to the flash memory. I can successfully erase bank 2, but I'm encountering an issue when writing to ...
Hello,I have STM32G031 and I want to use PA8 pin (TIM1_CH1) to count pulses. My idea is to read number of counted pulses every 1 second and reset counter to 0. void TIM1_Init(void) { // Enable TIM1 clock RCC->APBENR2 |= RCC_APBENR2_TIM1EN; ...
I got 2 STM32F446VET7 MCU board and I am trying to communicate each other with LoRa E220-400T30S.I cannot found any usefull libraries so I am trying to write one.I can communicate with modules from UART and setting configuration parameters.Both E22 m...
I am trying to build a custom external loader for W25Q64 SPI. I am using the OCTOSPI1 using the follow pins.PE11OCTOSPI1_NCSPF6OCTOSPI1_IO3PF7OCTOSPI1_IO2PF8OCTOSPI1_IO0PF9OCTOSPI1_IO1PF10OCTOSPI1_CLKI have followed the stm32-external-loader/Demo_Pro...
Hello. I am working with a STM32H563IIKX, connected to an external Macronix MX30LF2G28AD NAND Flash chip. I have configured the FMC for NAND operation with what I think are correct parameters (this is completely new to me).I thought I'd try a very ...
Hi,I am having uart baudrate problems while HSI clock as uart source clock. No problem with PCLK as source with the same uart. In Cube IDE (V1.16.0) and F7 software package (V.17.2), I get different values for HSI_CALIBRATION:Ide gets as 0x10 while r...
Hello All,I have implemented a simple Web server using example. The Get method works fine but as soon as I use the PO...