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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32G4 and MCO pin

I am using STM32G431cbtx and enabling RCC_MCO. Since the STM32G4 supports two pins, PA8 and PG10, PA8 is being used for another function, and I am using PG10 for RCC_MCO. However, when measuring the voltage on pin PG10, it is always high. Can anyone ...

stm32H7 clock scheme 49.152MHz to 24MHz and max MCU

Hello,I sort of feel *** not to get sure there not a best solution. I develop an Audio board, with USB HS. I will have a good 49.152MHz clock to drive the SAI, and I wanted to ue it for the HSE.49.152 * 125 / 256 = 24MHz that I need for the ULPI. Loo...

jmf1 by Senior
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DMA-ADC timed by Tim6

i m using an stm 32 microcontroller to read adc channel, this is my approch: discontinuous DMA requests in Normal Mode and single conversion adc for multiple channels, i want the adc channels to be read 20 times in a row, with a frequency of 1Khz usi...