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Forum Posts

STM32L4 & CubeMX 4.25 clocksettings failure

Posted on April 26, 2018 at 19:04Hello All,I am using STM32L486RGT, CubeMX 4.25 STM32L4 lib 1.11.At the STM32 I have a 16MHz crystall connected.Now I run into problems setting up the clocktree. It works under certain combinations but not under the o...

taraben by Senior
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Resolved! Getting SDMMC to work with DMA2 Channel 4

Posted on May 04, 2018 at 17:06I'm using a STM32L461VGTx and am trying to implement the SDMMC peripheral to read and write to a SD card using DMA. I've adapted CubeMX FatFs_uSD_DMA_Standalone example to my project which uses a simpler, custom file s...

HAL_UART_Receive() Timeout unit?

Posted on May 29, 2018 at 19:48Hi,What's the unit of the HAL_UART_Recevie() Timeout value? Is this us, ms, or SysTick? If I have FreeRTOS enabled and using TIM1 for SYS in Cube, how can I make sure this get right right timeout value?Thanks,DickHAL_S...

STM32 IAP steps

Posted on May 29, 2018 at 14:08I am working on the STM32F401RE, I want to implement IAP using the same board and STM32f0, I am using the HAL Library.As per the steps, I am putting the IAP firmware at the First Sector at 0x08000000and the application...

pjn by Associate II
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Resolved! Clock configuration for stm32l432

Posted on April 07, 2018 at 03:44I am working on a project with stm32l432kb. It uses 8 MHz external clock in order to achieve 80 MHz system clock. I've configured clock with the Cube. The diagram shows system clock at 80 MHz, nevertheless the real c...

STM32F765 ADC DMA problem

Posted on May 29, 2018 at 10:01Hello,i'm using 7 adc-channels on  our board and use DMA to transfer all 7 results (single shot)  into my variables in DTCM memory. To initialize DMA I use sample code from similar evalboard-examples.This works fine.#d...