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RGB RAW12 (12-Bit) Camera Bus

I want to use IMX290 and STM32H743I would like to show a picture on the display and at the same time have a GUIBut DMA2D cannot convert RGB121212 to the desired format to displayHow should I be?

Resolved! SPI in slave mode, auto receive

Afternoon Everyone,I'm using an stm32f722zeI'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or misunderstanding the working of the SPI (it could be either) but I have it up and running.I've got a SPI implementation in slave mode with DMA, like this:static v...

con3 by Senior
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Resolved! Trying CAN and interrupt go in it just one time

Hi guys, my codes go into interrupt function just one time.Could you offer me any solution?device clock 72 MHZdevice clock 180 MHZCAN // 1. device   hcan.Init.Prescaler = 4; hcan.Init.Mode = CAN_MODE_NORMAL; hcan.Init.SJW = CAN_SJW_4TQ; hcan...

Zek_De by Senior
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How to set CAN protocol

Hello friends, I am trying to build a CAN protocol with CubeMX I am using STM32F103 and STM32F446 and I did set them by same clock freq, but I couldn't get any data on debug operating.Do you have any simple example that you would send me that.

Zek_De by Senior
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CAN doesn't go to the interrupt func.

Hello friends,I am trying CAN but I am sending something but codes dont go to the ibnterrupt function I will send codes.Any help? interrupt function is in interrupt sectionvoid MX_CAN_Config(){ hcan1.pTxMsg=&TxM; hcan1.pRxMsg=&RxM; sFilterConfig.Filt...

Zek_De by Senior
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Resolved! STM32 F3 Pll stuck

I’ve an weird issue with one of my boards. On the code where the clocks are initialised(it’s the default code generated by Cube), the mcu gets stuck on the line, HAL_Pll_Enable and it continuously restarts the mcu every 6ms. But the same hex file, wo...

Walter3 by Associate II
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Trouble with SDMMC driver and STM32F7

Posted on June 01, 2018 at 02:17Hi everyone,I'm using an STM32F777 part, with files generated by the very latest version of CubeMX (4.25.1)I've spent the day struggling through issues writing a file to an SD card using the fatfs middleware.  I've pr...