I need urgent help on STM32L071 RTC power consumption. when we enable standby mode, without RTC, the current from battery is <1uA. when we enable standby mode, WITH RTC, the current from battery is ~200 uA ? Which is too high to sustain
Is it possible to use self-powered STM32F072 as USB peripheral, permanently connected to Raspberry-Pi host on USB?My worry is during recovery from STM32 power reset/ watchdog reset, raspberry-pi getting powereup alone , whether the USB-VCP-CDC will r...
I am using TS393 micropower dual CMOS Comparator for last 8-10 years, in my schematic. The PCB is heavily lacquered to protect against moisture damage.Today, in one working board, my team was changing TS393 associated resistor. After the change we n...
Thank you for the valuable response.The cause was identified to the RESET PIN PULL UP resistor. I had connected this to another supply, which becomes zero.Thereby forcing the CPU under reset and still getting the supply from battery.Now I am working ...