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Forum Posts

Cubemx pwm for stm32f7 nucelo board

Hi there. I'm trying to generate a Pwm signal using my nucelo board but I'm having issues doing this using cubemx. ​I've configured the clocks and oscillator based on resources I've found online but I'm not too sure what the clock source should be. I...

Resuming STOP Mode in STM32L152

Hi All,I've implemented STOP mode with the following code: (Taken from EnterSTOP(void) { PWR->CR |= PWR_CR_CWUF; // clear the WUF flag after 2 clock ...

Programming external flash speed

How can I programming​ the external flash in high speed?​I​ programming the emwin file use 2min 30 sec, data size is 15Mbyte.​Have any solution to make programming​ fast?Thanks All

wu ryan by Associate II
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