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Forum Posts

HI i am trying to get the example project for interfacing USB stick into my custom board which has STM32F429II now , I could not find it in any of your latest Cubeprjects or anywhere in example projects,

I want to know how do i interface the USB stick to my board and start communicating with it.basically i want to read .bin/.png/.dfu files from USB stick Please provide the example project as soon as possible 

Vprabhu by Associate II
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Hi, I try to configure the ADC of a STM32F407 to work in triple injected simultaneous mode, but only ADC1 works. How do I have to configure the ADC's that they work simultaneous?

As stated in the Reference manual. I configure the master ADC1 to get the trigger from the TIM2 TRGO and this ADC1 is working when started. ADC2 and ADC3 start only when I configure JEXTEN (=0x01) and JEXTSEL (=0x03) in CR2 of the according ADC. I do...

ATasc by Associate
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